Responsibility as a requirement for rewards

The Port of Helsinki aims to ensure the enthusiasm, well-being, competence and equality of its employees. The number of sick-leaves was at a reasonable level and the frequency of occupational accidents started to decrease again. Additionally, the recruitment process, staff survey and reward system were all renewed in 2019.

At the end of 2019, 88 people worked at the Port of Helsinki, 5 of whom were temporary workers. The number of staff decreased by 67 workers compared to the end of previous year.

For the most part, this decrease was due to the establishment of the Port of Helsinki’s subsidiary, South Finland Port Service Ltd, to which the vessel service operations’ employees were transferred. The business acquisition with the City of Helsinki’s Department of Financial Management Services (Talpa) also had an impact of the number of staff, as six port employees were transferred into the service of Talpa in June.

  • 91 person-years (2018: 151)
  • Of the permanent employees, 29% were women and 71% were men.
  • The average age of the entire personnel was 50.7 years.
  • The average length of permanent employment contracts was 17.4 years.
  • The sick-leave percentage for the year was 2.9, on average

The organisational changes presented in the strategy introduced in 2018 were still continued at a department level, and an exceptional number of recruitments were carried out during the year. At the same time, the Port also invested in the development of recruitment methods, in particular.

Developing competence

Trainings were held to maintain the professional competence of the different personnel groups. Nearly all staff members also took part in workshops concerning strategy and occupational well-being in the spring.
Additionally, two responsibility workshops were held for the whole personnel in the autumn, and the occupational well-being day’s training focused on how to find inspiration for working life through positivity, bravery and an encouraging attitude.

The total number of personnel training days was 91, and just a little under 62,000 euros was invested in training.

Follow-up plans were drafted for the critical positions of implementing the company’s strategy to ensure the quality and continuance of operations.

A reward model to support customer satisfaction and responsibility goals

The Port of Helsinki applies a performance bonus model that covers the entire personnel body. The performance bonus based on previous year’s performance was paid in April, and the performance for 2019 will be evaluated in early 2020.

The new reward model facilitating customer satisfaction and responsibility goals was designed and approved in 2019, and it will be taken into use at the beginning of 2020. The new model has been clearly simplified with regard to its indicators. The entire staff will continue to be included in the bonus performance system, and it is possible to place the bonuses received in a reserve in the staff funds.

Focus on occupational safety

The Port of Helsinki’s occupational safety work maintains the staff’s occupational abilities and promotes the safety of workplaces and work methods. The objective is to prevent occupational accidents, sick leave and occupational illnesses, improve working conditions and develop the workplace atmosphere.

The Port of Helsinki’s occupational health and safety operations have been certified and meet the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard.

In 2019, the average sick leave percentage was 2.9.

During the year, the Port’s employees had three occupational accidents leading to an absence of at least one day. The injuries from all occupational accidents that occurred were mild, and the longest absence caused by an accident was three days. The frequency of occupational accidents* was 20.9, which was a clear improvement on past year (36).

Targeted development of occupational well-being

A renewed staff survey was carried out late in the year, helping to better allocate the development investments to matters that are most significant to employees.

Our Liekki index measuring employee experience was 69. It means that the company should pay attention to how the matters that are most significant to the employees are realised. Based on the survey, the company has decided to make the development of management work one of the focus areas of occupational well-being in 2020, among other actions.

* Frequency of occupational accidents: The number of occupational accidents that have led to at least one day of sick leave per one million working hours.

Personnel 31. December 2019

Regular Temporary Total
CEO 1 1
Passenger business 18 2 20
Cargo business 10 10
Finances, ICT and Development 14 2 16
Human Resources 4 4
Technical Services 33 1 34
Communications 3 3
Total 83 5 88